
Showing posts from September, 2021


12 interesting facts about MOMOSQUITOES  got the best idea for today cause it's about mosquitos, you're biggest enemy  We're gonna learn about them if you feel bad about these guys here's one link of my video to make you happy! 1. Only female mosquitoes bite Do you know that your blood helps mosquitoes to reproduce? Also, you should know that only female mosquitoes bite. Your blood contains the protein that mosquito eggs need to develop. To prevent such mosquito bites, apply a mosquito repellent or mosquito repellent. 2. There are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes Did you know that there are more species of mosquitoes on this planet than humans? There are more than 3,500 different types of mosquitoes ready to drain your blood. To give you an idea of ​​what that figure looks like, if 100 billion mosquitoes were placed together on a football field, the masses would be more than three miles high. 3. The lifespan of a mosquito is less than two months Mosquitoes are one ...


 9 FASCINATING FACTS ABOUT BEETLES. I got a very good idea for today I thought I would make one post of beetles earlier I uploaded one if you haven't watched the beetle's one here's the link AMAZING FACTS ABOUT BEETLES||THE APPU WORLD Now let's learn 1. Beetles Live Forever You can find beetles almost anywhere in the world, from pole to pole, according to entomologist Stephen Marshall. They live in both freshwater and freshwater areas, from forests to grasslands, deserts to forests, and from beaches to mountain peaks. You can even find beetles on some of the most remote islands in the world. The British geneticist (and atheist) J. Perhaps this is due to their presence and number in all the corners of the earth which we call Earth. 2. Most adult beetles wear body armor One of the features that makes beetles easy to spot is their strong predictions, which serve as protection against weakened aircraft wings and the lower abdomen. The famous philosopher Aristotle coined the...


10 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT SNAKES I got a very amazing idea for today what about we learn about snakes? Oh you love to learn about them ok then let's learn 10 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT SNAKES  1. They have a very large family According to the latest figures, there are 3,789 species of snakes, making it the second-largest reptiles of lizards. They are divided into 30 different families and many more families. Canada is home to about 35 people, of whom 26 are native. It is thought that with climate change, the numbers could increase because more species of snakes will be able to survive in warmer climates. 2. You can find them all over the world You can find snakes on every continent except Antarctica. There is even a species of snake, the common European snake, that lives north of the Arctic circle. You can also find snakes in any type of habitat from the sea, to the mountains, from forests to savannas. 3. Canada is home to the world's largest snake group The province of Manitoba here in ...


VALCANO On Earth , volcanoes are often found where tectonic plates move or collide, and most are found underwater. For example, an inland wall, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, has volcanic eruptions caused by different tectonic plates and the Pacific Ring of Fire has volcanic eruptions caused by flexible tectonic plates. Volcanoes can also form where the plateau expands and shrinks, such as the East African Rift and the Wells Gray-Clearwater volcanic field and the Rio Grande Rift in North America. A volcano far from the plate boundaries has been postponed to emerge from the rising parts from the edge of the plate, 3,000 km (1,900 mi) deep in the Earth's crust. This triggers a volcanic eruption, of which the Hawaiian hotspot is a prime example. Volcanoes are usually not created when two tectonic plates slide over. A massive explosion could affect the atmosphere as ash and sulfuric acid droplets attack the Sun and cool the Earth's troposphere. Historically, large volcanic eruptio...


 APPLE Hey I also got one more idea to make about Apple then let's learn An apple is a edible fruit produced by an apple tree. Seed-grown apples are often very different from their parents, and the resulting fruit often lacks the desired characteristics. Typically, apple cultivars are propagated by clonal attachment to rootstocks. Apple trees that grow without roots tend to be larger and lower fruit after planting. The roots are used to control the growth rate and the size of the emerging tree that allows for easy harvesting. There are more than 7,500 known apple plants. The variety is made for a variety of flavors and uses, including cooking, eating raw and cider products. Trees and fruits tend to have more problems with fungi, bacteria and insects, which can be controlled in many biological and non-biological ways. In 2010, fruit genetics was followed as part of a disease-control and breeding study selected for apple production. Global apple production in 2018 was 86 million tons...


 25 FACTS OF EPIC PROPORTION Guys I came up with another idea I thinked to make 25 facts of epic proportion so today we'll learn facts of epic proportion so let's learn 1. A swordfish can swim about as fast as a cheetah can run. 2. An ostrich egg weighs less than 2% of the adults weight. A wren egg weighs about 13% percent of the adults weight. 3. Hummingbirds can fly 385 body length per second; a fighter jet can fly 150 body lengths per second. 4. Some frogs can leap more than 20 times their body length. 5. A Monarch butterfly's 2800 miles (4506 km) migration is equivalent to a person walking around Earth 11 Times. 6. A butterfly weighs less than a paper clip. 7. A sea turtle can weigh as much as a water buffalo. 8. Dinosaurs lived on earth 800 times longer than humans have existed. 9. It would take a stack of more than 9 Empire State Building to equal the average depth of the ocean. 10. Flamingos have the longest legs relative to body size of all birds. 11. One year on ne...


 POISON DART FROG Most species of poison dart frogs are small, sometimes less than 1.5 cm (0.59 in) in adult length, although some grow to 6 cm (2.4 in) in length. They weigh 1 oz. Average. Most poison dart frogs are brightly colored, displaying aposematic patterns to warn potential predators. Their bright color is associated with their toxicity and alkaloid levels. For example, frogs of the genus Dendrobates contain high levels of alkaloids, while Colosthus species are secretly colored and do not The poison dart frog is an example of an apoptotic organism. Their bright coloration advertises unmanageability to potential predators. Aposematism is currently believed to have arisen at least four times within the poison dart family according to phylogenetic trees, and dendrobatid frogs have since undergone dramatic divergence – both intra-specific and intraspecific – in their aposymmetric coloration. This is surprising given the frequency-dependent nature of this type of defense mechan...


 25 POISONOUS facts to DIE for! Guys today i got a great and DEADLY idea today we'll learn 25 POISONOUS FACTS TO DIE FOR SO LET'S LEARN 1. Poisonous animals have poison in their bodies, but they must be eaten to affect another animal. 2. Some festive holiday plants can make cats sick. The sap from poinsettias, for instance, can cause vomiting but is not thought to cause death. 3. Steve Irwin,"The crocodile hunter" died from a strike by the poisonous Barb of a Stingray to the heart, a very rare occurrence. 4. Brown recluse spiders live in dark places but only have 3 pair of eyes. Most other spiders have four set. 5. VENOMOUS animals have poison in their bodies that they can inject into other animals. 6. There are certain kinds of bacteria that are harmful to humans, but To not animals, and vice versa. 7. A small amount of nutmeg can safely add flavours to desserts, but large amounts can cause people to become very sick to their stomachs. 8. When it eat certain beetles ...


 18 furry facts about BEARS 1. Many brown bears that live in north America are also called grizzly bears. 2. Polar Bears have rough pads their paws that prevent them from slipping on ice. 3. When a polar bear and a grizzly bear have a baby, it's called a "grolar bear" or a "pizzle." 4. Sun bears usually have one cub at a time. Other bears have two to three comes in a littler. 5. The Sami, an indigenous people of Scandinavia, refers to bears as " step wideners" or " winter sleepers". 6. A brown bear can loss hundreds of Pounds when it hibernates that's like losing the weight of a washing machine. 7. Giant anteaters are also known as " ant bears." 8. Polar Bears have been known to swim up to 100 miles in one stretch. 9. Sloth bears have a gap in their front teeth that they use to suck up termites. 10. The Asiatic black bear, also called a moon bear, has white stripes on its chest that looks like the crescent moon. 11. Spectacled b...


25 RED HOT FACTS! Hey guys i came up WITH a new idea today we'll learn 25 RED HOT FACTS! 1. fire ants red, stinging ants native to south America were accidentally brought to the United States on ships in the 1900s. 2. Camels have adapted to live in hot, dry desert climate. The thick fur on the top of their bodies provides shade, while the thin fur everywhere else helps heat escape their bodies. 3. The Hottest temperature ever recorded on earth was 136°F in Libya in 1922. 4. Using reflective materials to harness the sun's energy, people make solar ovens to cook food. 5. Magnifying glasses can concentrate the sun's rays into a fire starting beam. SOME campers use a magnifying glass to start a fire instead of matches.  6. Energy from lightning heats the air up to 60000°F that's six times more hotter than the surface of the sun. 7. The ring of fire is a zone In the Pacific basin where three quarters of earth's active volcanoes lie. 8. Oriental fire bellied toads show th...


 32 stupendous facts about SPIDERS Hey guys welcome back today I have a great idea I thinked then I got a idea to make part 2 of stupendous facts about SPIDERS So If You haven't already watched my stupendous facts about SPIDERS then here's the link 18 STUPENDOUS FACTS ABOUT SPIDERS ||THE APPU WORLD Now let's learn 19. The largest spider in the world is wider than a basketball. 20. THE smallest known spider is smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. 21. All spiders are meat eaters. 22. E.B. white, the author of Charlotte's web, got his inspiration for the book when he walked into his barn and discovered a particularly beautiful SPIDERWEB. 23. SOME spider species have evolved to look like ants a disguise hey use to prey on the ants. 24. A newly discovered species of bark spider from Madagascar can cast a web across a stream or river more than 80 feet long. 25. In 1973, arabella and Anita were the first spiders to travel to space. 26. All spiders secrete Silk ...


Spiders have two eyes with four eyes in the upper front of the cephalothorax, arranged in patterns that vary from family to family. The first couple is the so-called pigment-cup ocelli ("small eyes"), which is the only arthropods that can detect the source of light, using a shadow created by the walls of a cup. However, in spiders these eyes can form images. Some pairs, called second-sighted, are thought to be derived from the compound eyes of ancestral chelicerates, but no longer have the distinctive features common to compound eyes. Unlike the big eyes, in many spiders these second eyes receive light from a bright tapetum lucidum, and wolf spiders can be seen with a flashlight displayed on the tapeta. The spider's second eye, on the other hand, has no tapes. Another difference between the primary and secondary eyes is that the latter have rhabdomeres that point away from incoming light, as in vertebrates, while the arrangement is opposite the previous one. Only the main...