12 interesting facts about MOMOSQUITOES got the best idea for today cause it's about mosquitos, you're biggest enemy We're gonna learn about them if you feel bad about these guys here's one link of my video to make you happy! 1. Only female mosquitoes bite Do you know that your blood helps mosquitoes to reproduce? Also, you should know that only female mosquitoes bite. Your blood contains the protein that mosquito eggs need to develop. To prevent such mosquito bites, apply a mosquito repellent or mosquito repellent. 2. There are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes Did you know that there are more species of mosquitoes on this planet than humans? There are more than 3,500 different types of mosquitoes ready to drain your blood. To give you an idea of what that figure looks like, if 100 billion mosquitoes were placed together on a football field, the masses would be more than three miles high. 3. The lifespan of a mosquito is less than two months Mosquitoes are one ...