I got a very good idea for today I thought I would make one post of beetles earlier I uploaded one if you haven't watched the beetle's one here's the link

Now let's learn

1. Beetles Live Forever

You can find beetles almost anywhere in the world, from pole to pole, according to entomologist Stephen Marshall. They live in both freshwater and freshwater areas, from forests to grasslands, deserts to forests, and from beaches to mountain peaks. You can even find beetles on some of the most remote islands in the world. The British geneticist (and atheist) J. Perhaps this is due to their presence and number in all the corners of the earth which we call Earth.

2. Most adult beetles wear body armor

One of the features that makes beetles easy to spot is their strong predictions, which serve as protection against weakened aircraft wings and the lower abdomen. The famous philosopher Aristotle coined the order Coleoptera, from the Greek koleon, meaning anointing, and ptera, meaning wings. When the beetles are flying, they grab these protective wing covers (called elytra) and place them on the sides, allowing the hind legs to move freely and stay afloat.

3. Beetles vary in size

As you would expect from a group of insects, beetles are about the same size as the smallest to the largest. The shortest beetle is the feathered beetle (family Petiliidae), most of which are less than one millimeter long. Of these, the smallest is the ant beinle beetle, Nanosella fungi, which is only 0.25 mm long and weighs only 0.4 milligrams. On the other side of the spectrum, the Goliathhus beetle (Goliathus goliathus) recommends scales per 100 grams. The oldest beetle is native to South America. The well-named Titanus giganteus can reach up to 12 inches [20 cm] in length.

4. Adult Beetles Chew Their Food

That may seem obvious, but not all insects do. For example, butterflies absorb liquid nectar from their built-in grass, called a proboscis. One common feature of all adult beetles and the large number of caterpillars is oral power, designed for chewing. Most beetles eat plants, but some (like ladybugs) hunt and eat small insect prey. Carrion suppliers use those powerful jaws to eat skin or skins. A few eat the fungus. Whatever they eat, the beetles chew their food before swallowing. In fact, the word beetle is thought to be derived from the old English word bitela, meaning less.

5. Beetles have a major impact on the economy

Only a small fraction of all insects can be considered pests; most insects will never cause us trouble. But because there are so many phytophagous, the Coleoptera order includes a few insects of economic importance. Beetle bark (such as the mountain pine beetle) and woodworkers (such as emerald ash borer exotic) kill millions of trees every year. Farmers use millions of pesticides and other agricultural pest controls such as western rootworm or Colorado potato beetle. Insects such as the Khapra beetle feed on stored grain, which causes a lot of economic losses after the harvest is over. The amount of money spent by farmers on the Japanese beetle traps (some would say is wasted on pheromone traps) is much higher than the GDP of some smaller countries!

6. Beetles Can Be Noisy

Many insects are known for their vocalizations. Cicadas, cricket, locusts, and katydids all sing songs for us. Many beetles produce sounds, too, though not as songs as their Orthopteran cousins. The Deathwatch beetles hit their heads and on the walls of their wooden canals, making a strange knocking sound. Some black beetles take their bellies to the ground. A large number of beetles thrive, especially when handled by humans. Have you ever picked up a June beetle? Many, like the ten-string June beetle, will bark when you do. Both male and female beetles cry, perhaps as a matter of courtship and reciprocity.

7.Some Beetles Shine In The Dark

Some species of beetle families produce light. Their bioluminescence occurs through chemical reactions involving an enzyme called luciferase. Firefighters (the family Lampyridae) show light to attract potential partners, with a bright organ in the abdomen. In glowworms (the Phengodidae family), light-emitting organisms descend on the sides of the thoracic and abdominal segments, like small glowing windows on the train box (and thus their nickname, train worms). Glowworms also sometimes have an extra light element on their head, which shines red! The tropical click beetle (family Elateridae) also produces light due to the oval light organs in the thighs and the third light organ in the abdomen.

8. Weevils Beetles, too

Weevils, easily recognizable by their long, almost humorous wire, are actually not just a beetle. Extra-family Curculionoidea includes nose beetles and a variety of insects. If you look at the long snout, you would think that they feed by piercing and sucking their food, like real bugs. But don't be fooled, weevils are under Coleoptera order. Like all other beetles, weevils have oral signals designed for chewing. In the case of a squirrel, the lips are usually small and are found just at the end of that long mouth. Many weevils cause great damage to their planters, and for this reason, we regard them as insects.

9. Beetles have been around for about 270 Million years

The earliest known beetle-making creatures date to the Permian period, about 270 million years ago. Real beetles - like our modern beetles - appeared for the first time 230 million years ago. The beetles already existed before the breakup of the Pangea continent, and they survived a K / T extinction event that was thought to have wiped out dinosaurs. How did these beetles survive so long, and they survived such catastrophic events? As a group, these beetles have shown remarkable resilience to evolution.

That's all i got for today now you comment down below what I'm going to choose and see you tommorow with another one bye!


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