Guys I came up with another idea I thinked to make 25 facts of epic proportion so today we'll learn facts of epic proportion so let's learn

1. A swordfish can swim about as fast as a cheetah can run.

2. An ostrich egg weighs less than 2% of the adults weight. A wren egg weighs about 13% percent of the adults weight.

3. Hummingbirds can fly 385 body length per second; a fighter jet can fly 150 body lengths per second.

4. Some frogs can leap more than 20 times their body length.

5. A Monarch butterfly's 2800 miles (4506 km) migration is equivalent to a person walking around Earth 11 Times.

6. A butterfly weighs less than a paper clip.

7. A sea turtle can weigh as much as a water buffalo.

8. Dinosaurs lived on earth 800 times longer than humans have existed.

9. It would take a stack of more than 9 Empire State Building to equal the average depth of the ocean.

10. Flamingos have the longest legs relative to body size of all birds.

11. One year on neptune lasts about 165 earth years.

12. Some giant jellyfish have tentacles that extend one-third the length of a football field.

13. Kiwis chicken size birds lay eggs almost as large as those of emu- birds that are about three times taller and 20 times heavier.

14. Snow leopards can leap as far as 45 feet the length of a humpback whale.

15. A big cat's sense of smell is 20 times stronger than human's.

16. What humans can see from 5 feet Hawks can see from 20 feet.

17. Rabbits have almost twice as many taste buds on their tongues as humans.

18. The human body is roughly 60% water.

19. About 70% of Earth's surface is covered with water.

20. More than 95% of the universe is invisible.

21. The sun is 99.8 percent of all the Mass in our solar system.

22. The tallest living man is 8 foot 3 inche's more than four times the height of the shortest living man.

23. Humans and slugs share more than 50 % of their genes.

24. 80% of all living things on earth are insects.

25. From finger tip finger tip, Orangutans' outstretched arms are longer than their bodies.

So i hope you enjoyed see you tommorow with another one bye!!


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