25 POISONOUS facts to DIE for!

Guys today i got a great and DEADLY idea today we'll learn 25 POISONOUS FACTS TO DIE FOR SO LET'S LEARN

1. Poisonous animals have poison in their bodies, but they must be eaten to affect another animal.

2. Some festive holiday plants can make cats sick. The sap from poinsettias, for instance, can cause vomiting but is not thought to cause death.

3. Steve Irwin,"The crocodile hunter" died from a strike by the poisonous Barb of a Stingray to the heart, a very rare occurrence.

4. Brown recluse spiders live in dark places but only have 3 pair of eyes. Most other spiders have four set.

5. VENOMOUS animals have poison in their bodies that they can inject into other animals.

6. There are certain kinds of bacteria that are harmful to humans, but To not animals, and vice versa.

7. A small amount of nutmeg can safely add flavours to desserts, but large amounts can cause people to become very sick to their stomachs.

8. When it eat certain beetles the flesh of the African spur winged goose can be toxic to eat.

9. Black Widow spiders don't have teeth. Instead the inject poison from needle like "chelicerae" that turns the insides of their prey into goo that they can drink.

10. The longest venomous snake in the world, the king cobra, what can be as long as a CAR.

11. A former President of Ukraine was poisoned in 2004 and lived.

12. President Abraham Lincoln's mother died from "milk sickness" she drank milk after the cows who made it had grazed on a poisonous plant, white snakeroot.

13. Exposure to poison ivy can cause extreme itching and rashes remember the rhyme, " leaves of three, let it be."

14. The box jellyfish, the world's most venomous animal, isn't poisonous to the turtles that eat them.

15. Watch out for the slow Loris. They lick venom from their inner elbow and mix it with their saliva and then bite their prey.

16. The only poisonous lizard in the United States, the Gila monster, can inject poison when it bites its prey.

17. The unripe berries of the black nightshade plant are more toxic than the ripe ones.

18. the poisonous Western diamondback Rattlesnake and diamond shaped markings on its Skin.

19. Puss moth caterpillars are even dangerous when dead. Their Venom can still be injected from hairs on its body.

20. Fish, such as sea bass and grouper, can carry a Poison. If you eat an infected fish, it can cause You To searing hot pain when touched by an ice cube.

21. The mistletoe plant can cause a slow Heartbeat and an upset stomach if eaten.

22. Early settlers in North America developed and Easy rhyme to tell the difference between the poisonous Coral snake and other, non poisonous snakes with the same colarization, " red touches black, friend of Jack, red touches yellow will kill of fellow." This doesn't work in other parts of the world!

23. Raw bean sprouts can carry deadly bacteria and the only way to kill the bacteria is to steam them; just watching them won't kill them.

24. Many mushrooms are safe to eat, but a few wild varieties can cause death. Some of them are known as "destroying angels" or "death caps."

25. Drinking too much water at once can change the salt content in your blood and kill you.

So i hope you guys enjoyed here's also one link of my video to make you happy 

See you tommorow with another one bye


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