32 stupendous facts about SPIDERS

Hey guys welcome back today I have a great idea I thinked then I got a idea to make part 2 of stupendous facts about SPIDERS

So If You haven't already watched my stupendous facts about SPIDERS then here's the link

Now let's learn

19. The largest spider in the world is wider than a basketball.

20. THE smallest known spider is smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.

21. All spiders are meat eaters.

22. E.B. white, the author of Charlotte's web, got his inspiration for the book when he walked into his barn and discovered a particularly beautiful SPIDERWEB.

23. SOME spider species have evolved to look like ants a disguise hey use to prey on the ants.

24. A newly discovered species of bark spider from Madagascar can cast a web across a stream or river more than 80 feet long.

25. In 1973, arabella and Anita were the first spiders to travel to space.

26. All spiders secrete Silk from their abdomens, but tarantulas can also shoot Silk from their feet.

27. There are more than 38,000 species of spiders in the world.

28. SOME spiders eat their on the web and recycle most of the protein into fresh silk.

29. Spiders are classified as arachnids. Other arachnids include Scorpions, ticks and mites.

30. Besides having eight legs, spiders have an extra pair of appendages called pedipalps they act like hands that help them feel their surrounding and hold on to prey.

31. Most spiders have eight Eyes, but the way they are arranged depends on the type of spider. A Spider expert can often identify a spider by looking at its eye. I'm also expert at insects and arachnids!

You can ask me any questions in the comment section and I will answer it.

 Let's learn the next fact

32. Most spiders don't have particularly good vision. That's because scene is in that important for catching prey, when it just lands in your web.

33. A few species of spiders stalk and hunt their prey. The spiders have excellent vision.

34. Spiders taste and smell through special sensory organs on their legs.

35. A Spider "hears" by sensing vibrations through the hairs that cover much of its body.

36. Spiders are so sensitive to vibrations that they can tell the difference between a moth and Honey Bee hitting a web.

37. Many orb Weavers spiders that spin flat, wheel shaped webs can spin their creations in 30 minutes. Most build a new web every day.

38. Some spiders don't catch their prey in a web. They simply Hurl a silken line and reel their dinner in.

39. Spiders can eat their weight in 1 meal.

40. Spiders often knock out their prey with a paralyzing Venomous bite.

41. Spiders spit a liquid onto their food before they eat it that starts to break it down. Then they suck up their meal.

42. In 16th century Italy it was believed that the only way to be cured from the bite f the wolf spider was to do a certain dance to music.

43. Many experts claim that the silk of an orb weaver spider is so strong that a strand as thick as a pencil could stop a jumbo jet in flight.

44. Baby spiders are called spiderlings.

45. After they hatch, spiderlings drift away on silk filament. This first flight is called "ballooning"

46. Some spiderlings balloon up as high as airplanes.

47. A European house spider can run 330 times it's own body length in 10 seconds. That's like you running about the length of a soccer field six times in ten seconds.

48. In some parts of south America, people roast and eat tarantula.

49. A person who studies spiders is called arachnologist.

50. Scientists are studying spider silk to replicate it for human use, including making bulletproof vests.

So guys i hope you enjoyed see you tommorow with another one bye!!


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