Hey guys i came up WITH a new idea today we'll learn 25 RED HOT FACTS!

1. fire ants red, stinging ants native to south America were accidentally brought to the United States on ships in the 1900s.

2. Camels have adapted to live in hot, dry desert climate. The thick fur on the top of their bodies provides shade, while the thin fur everywhere else helps heat escape their bodies.

3. The Hottest temperature ever recorded on earth was 136°F in Libya in 1922.

4. Using reflective materials to harness the sun's energy, people make solar ovens to cook food.

5. Magnifying glasses can concentrate the sun's rays into a fire starting beam. SOME campers use a magnifying glass to start a fire instead of matches. 

6. Energy from lightning heats the air up to 60000°F that's six times more hotter than the surface of the sun.

7. The ring of fire is a zone In the Pacific basin where three quarters of earth's active volcanoes lie.

8. Oriental fire bellied toads show their true colours when they feel a threat. Green on top with black spots, they reveal their bright red belly by arching their back or even flipping over As a warning to predators that they are toxic.

9. The surface temperature on Venus, the hottest planet in our solar system is 854°F

10. One third of all the Lava that has erupted from Earth in the past 500 years has flowed out of Iceland.

11. Most lobsters are greenish brown, but turn bright red when put in a pot of boiling water.

12. Talk about hot air: a man extinguished 39 fire lit torches in 30 seconds by putting them in his mouth.

13. Rarely seen fire tornadoes occur when intense heat and turbulent winds spur whirling currents of air, called Eddies. The eddies form a tornado like structure that sucks in burning debris.

14. Amelia earhart often drank hot chocolate on her famous flights.

15. The Sahara is the world's largest hot desert. It is almost as big as the United States.

16. Every year,there is a"solar egg frying contest" in Arizona U.S.A. contestants try fry an egg on a sidewalk often using Mirrors, magnifying glasses, and other contractions to help the egg cook faster.

17. The Infinity Chili,  the world's hottest pepper, is 200 times Hotter than a jalapeno it often brings 1to tears people who taste just a silver.

18. The ritual of walking on hot coals has been around for thousands of years. While coals reach temperatures of around 1000°F most people aren't badly injured because only a small amount of heat transfer to their feet.

19. A firefighter's gear, including the helmet, pants, jacket, boots, belt, gloves, and breathing apparatus weighs about 60 Pounds about the same as free car tyres!

20. The longest hot dog ever made was 668 feet that's the length of 2 football fields!!

21. The hottest city in the world is the Red Sea. At its warmest spot its 87°F.

22. In the hot Australian desert, kangaroos lick their arms to stay cool.

23. In some countries, volcanic steam and hot water are used to generate electricity.

24. Eating a Hot Pepper can make your mouth feel on fire, but drinking water want help. Water doesn't easily wash away the oil in the pepper that causes the burn. Eating bread or rice, which will soak up the oil, is a quicker fix.

25. Over 200 years ago, two men invented the first practical Hot air balloon when they were inspired by a piece of paper floating in the Abdraft of a fire.

That's all i got for today now you comment down below what insect im going to choose tommorow and I will do it!

Bye guys!!


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