Honey Bees-fun facts Hey guys I'm back.do you like honey?who makes honey? Yeah! Honey bees make them So today i will tell you the so much cool things about honey bees So are you ready yeah then let's learn! The Honey Bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by the man. Honey is 80% Sugars and 20% water. A productive queen can lay up to 2,500 eggs per day. Honey bees beat their wings 200 times per second, Creating their trademark "Buzz" Bees have 2 stomachs one for eating and one for storing nectar. Bees have existed for around 30 million years Bees communicate in 2 ways the waggle dance,and through the use of pheromones. Honey bees are the only type of bee that dies after stinging. A typical honey bee colony may have around 50,000 workers. The hexagon structure of honeycombs enables bees to make super efficient use of beeswax, and guards against wastage! The honey bee is one of the most scientifically studied creatures in the world after man! No wonder honey ...
Very interesting 👍👍