5 small features about Minecraft 1.18 that you didn't know|| THE APPU WORLD

 5 small features about Minecraft 1.18 that you didn't know

The update to Minecraft 1.18 was the biggest update ever released by Mojang. This update has changed the generation of Overworld forever and beyond. Almost every player was surprised by the new version of the Caves and Cliffs Part 2 update.

Minecraft 1.18 added Beautiful caves that create down-to-ground elevation -59 and high mountains up to Y 256.

Many players are amazed at the new features of the world and forget about all the little features that came with Minecraft's biggest update. Minecraft 1.18 has a long list of changes, and here are some of the players that may be missing out.

1) The enchanting table now emits light

Minecraft 1.18 adjusted equity issues between Java and Bedrock Editions by adding new features. At Minecraft Bedrock, an enchanting table brought out level 7, but this feature was not available in Java Edition.

The update to Minecraft 1.18 added this feature to Java Edition. Java players can now use an enchanting table as a power source. Combined with the new breeding of hostile herds, one enchanting table can prevent hostile herds from breeding in an area of ​​seven blocks.

2) Water-breathing potions can now produce naturally

At Minecraft, potions are often made as they are rarely produced naturally. But the 1.18 update added a new way to get potions. Players can now loot buried treasure boxes to find water-breathing potions.

In the Java system, all the stored chest compresses contain a water-breathing compound, while Bedrock players have a 46.9% chance of obtaining a water respirator. Precious coffins buried in the Bedrock Edition also contain refreshing ingredients.

3) Random bedrock generation

The update to Minecraft 1.18 changed the way the bedrock layer is used for production at Overworld. Like all other blocks, bedrock blocks now also produce randomly underground.

Prior to this review, all worlds had a specific base of placement, and players could find a targeted place with tools and techniques. These methods will now not work in version 1.18.

4) Horses are attracted to golden food

Prior to the release of Minecraft 1.18, players had to use the track to move horses from one place to another. But now, players can use golden foods such as a golden apple, a golden carrot, and a enchanted golden apple to attract horses. The same method applies to mules and donkeys as well.

5) Shears have new uses

In version 1.18, players can use shears to prevent cave vines, twisted vines, weeping vines, and kelp from overgrowth. Applying shear at the end of these plants will increase their growth rate and stop them from growing. In the past, players had to use ropes to keep from growing.

Version 1.18 has changed the way Overworld produces in Minecraft. Players should also be aware of the minor features of the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Part 2 update.


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