How to build an underground bunker in Minecraft 1.18 version||THE APPU WORLD

 How to build an underground bunker in Minecraft 1.18 version

Underground bunkers are one of the most fun things to build in Minecraft. There are several ways to do this, but all of them require a lot of work. Digging the ground, creating the bunker and all the other complex parts certainly gives Minecraft players a lot to do.

Underground bunkers will be different, and Minecraft players have different ways of doing it. Players can do all kinds of things to make one as long as it has one important feature: it is underground. Here are a few tips for building one in Minecraft 1.18.

Underground bunkers require underground space. Players will have to work on that covering the base with dirt and grass to make it look like it's underground or actually digging underground.

Most underground bunkers also need a lot of space. Underground bunkers can be of any size, but Minecraft players usually need a large base to hold all their belongings and have space for everything they need to put in (enchanting table, farm, etc.). This requires a lot of space and work to get out.
Players will also need a ton of building materials. It is useful to cut down all the trees you see because the wood will probably be used (and then some). If players dig underground, they can also use stone and other blocks they get by doing so.
One of the last things Minecraft players need to do when building an underground bunker is to create an entrance. This varies and there are tons of different ways to do so.

Redstone is very helpful in this regard. Players can set sticky pistons to expose the base door with real pressure plate. They can use iron and other Redstone materials to keep the door hidden until they are ready to enter or exit.


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