Hey guys today we'll learn about GRASSHOPPERS it's gonna be a very good idea for today so let's learn

1. Grasshopper And Locusts Together

When we think of grasshoppers, most people remember fond memories of trying to catch insects crawling on the pastures or in the yard. Name the locust, though, and it reminds us of the examples of historical plagues that ravaged plants and devoured the entire vegetation.

In fact, locusts and grasshoppers are part of the same insect system. While some species are commonly referred to locusts and others as locusts, both creatures are members with short orthoptera horns. Herbivores with short horns are classified as sub-Saharan, while their brothers with long horns (crickets and katydids) belong to the suborder Ensifera.

2. The locusts have ears in their stomachs

The locust's body parts are not found on the head, but rather, on the abdomen. The vibrating membranes of the vocal cords are located on either side of the abdomen, which is placed under the wings. This simple ear, called the royal limb, allows the grasshopper to hear the songs of fellow locusts.

3. Although Locusts Can Hear, They Can Not Distinguish The Stem Properly

Like most insects, the limbs of the locust's beak are simple. They can tell the difference in power and tone, but not in tone. A male locust song is not a particular song especially a good thing since women don't care if someone can handle the song. Each species of locust produces a rhythmic element that distinguishes its song from the rest and allows males and females of a certain species to mate.

4. Locusts Make Music Strong or Creative

If you are unfamiliar with those words, do not worry. Not all is so difficult. Most locusts swarm, which means that they rub their hind legs on their foreheads to produce their commercial songs. The special pins on the inside of the hind leg serve as a striking tool of their kind when they meet the thick edge of the wing. Winged flying locusts move or flutter their wings aloud as they fly.

5. Locusts Drag In the Air

If you have ever tried to catch a locust, you know how high it can jump to escape danger. If people could jump at the grasshopper's way, we could easily jump over the football field. How do these insects leap so far? All in those big, hind legs. The grasshopper's hind legs act like tiny pieces. In preparation for the jump, the grasshopper grabs its large flexor muscles slightly, bending its hind legs to the knee. A special piece of cuticle inside the knee works like a spring, preserving all potential energy. The grasshopper then restores its leg muscles, allowing the spring to release its energy and tossing the insect into the air.

6. Locusts Can Fly

Because grasshoppers have strong jumping legs, sometimes people do not realize that they also have wings. Locusts use their jumping skills to provide them with air, but most of them are powerful birds and use their wings to escape predators.

7. Locusts Can Eat Crops

A single locust can be very harmless, although it eats about half of its body weight on plants each day - but when the locusts are full, their combined feeding habits can completely destroy the area, leaving farmers without plants and people without food. In 2006, researchers reported a previous study estimating that $ 1.5 billion in food poisoning was caused by locusts every year. In 1954, a swarm of desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) ate more than 40 square miles [75 sq km] of wild and cultivated plants in Kenya.

8. Locusts Are an Important Source of Protein

Locusts have been eating locusts and locusts for centuries. According to the Bible, John the Baptizer ate locusts and wild honey in the wilderness. Locusts and grasshoppers are a staple of local cuisine in many parts of Africa, Asia, and the Americas - and as they are rich in protein, they are an important basis for healthy eating.

9. Locusts Have A Long Time Before Dinosaurs

Modern-day locusts come from ancient ancestors who lived long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The fossil record indicates that the ancient locusts first appeared in the Carboniferous period, more than 300 million years ago. Most of the ancient locusts are preserved as fossils, although locusts (the second stage of the locust after the first egg stage) are sometimes found in amber.

10. Locusts May "Spit" The Protective Liquid

If you have ever been caught in a locust swarm, you may have spit on the brown liquid in protest. Scientists believe that this behavior is a defense, and the liquid helps insects repel predators. Some people say that locusts spit "toba

So thats all the facts i got for today now you comment down below what I'm going to choose tommorow and see you tommorow with another one bye!


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